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Unlocking Impact: Revolutionising employee health and well-being benefits for real results

18 Apr 2024
HR Tech Seminar Theatre 4

Explore why conventional employee health strategies often fall short and discover actionable insights to drive meaningful impact, from addressing engagement misconceptions to implementing flexible, personalized, and cost-effective solutions.

The session will: 

  • Look at the root causes behind the underperformance of traditional employee health and well-being strategies, shedding light on misconceptions surrounding engagement and perceived value.
  • Delve into the three levels of impact, from one-size-fits-all approaches to highly personalized, high-impact solutions tailored to individual needs.
  • Share real-world examples and case studies showcasing the transformative potential of flexible, accessible, and user-centric health services.
  • Offer practical insights on how organizations can align their strategies with employee needs, leverage technology for enhanced engagement, and implement cost-effective solutions to maximize impact and ROI.
David Joerring, Founder & CEO - HealthKey