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People Operations: Solving the 'Targets' vs 'Employee Experience' Challenge

UKG Hall: S9-S12 Stand: EE40
People Operations: Solving the 'Targets' vs 'Employee Experience' Challenge

The business world is experiencing seismic change. As senior leaders strive to achieve their strategic objectives against a highly uncertain background, there are three major obstacles that put their efforts in doubt. 

  1. Global threats. Regional conflicts and global politics are fuelling ongoing uncertainty around trading conditions globally. These difficulties are threatening recession, driving inflationary pressure, and continuing to disrupt supply chains, all of which are impacting organisations globally. 
  2. Talent scarcity. Responding to these pressures is made harder due to historically low unemployment rates. To retain top talent, organisations are needing to go beyond employee engagement. The best employees now need to feel deeply immersed in shaping the design of their work, if they are to stay with the business. 
  3. Changing expectations. Workers now have different expectations of their employers - including greater flexibility, a higher sense of purpose and the need for more trust and transparency. Employers now must think very differently about their workforce and the individual life-work journey needs of their people. 

In short, risk is everywhere. What can employers practically do to mitigate these risks?

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